Well well well, since I missed last months update, today I’ll write a two month check in. To be honest, I bought way more hinges than expected. This has a few reasons. Impact of my No Buy Year 2022 Being frugal for many years and then doing a complete no buy year in 2022 led…
Tag: spending
Low Buy Year Update: April
Time is flying and it’s already almost May. How I spent my money in the month of April and how my budget for the rest of the year looks like you will find below. April In april I bought a few new clothing items, some were replacements, some were additions to my wardrobe. I don’t…
Making Goals Achievable
Sometimes, goals can be daunting. Saving 100.000$ in 7 years sounds like a big dream out of reach. Saving 14.285 $ a year still does. But saving 1.190$ a month suddenly seems like it’s within reach! Getting a second job or finding other income sources can boost your savings fast- and suddenly the 100.000$ saved…
On money
Money is such a diverse topic. Some of us grow up without thinking about it, while for others their whole universe circles around it. Some say money doesn’t matter. Others say money equals happiness. I think like in many topics, it depends. There’s different aspects of money that I would like to touch on today:…