Graduating, getting a job, getting a promotion – all these big life events are portrayed as the biggest achievements in one’s life; the days that make us, the days that are of utmost importance. In my opinion, those events are awesome and surely a reason to celebrate, but I found that what really makes a person, what shapes their character and makes them grow is the little wins.
It Sucks, But You Can Do It
In my experience, little wins like finishing a task at work that I was scared of or going for a long walk daily compound to much bigger wins than I could have imagined. Moments where regardless of feeling like running away or not showing up I showed up and did the task grew my confidence over time, knowing that yes, the situation sucks in the moment, but I can do it.
What helps me in these situations is to remind myself of the fact that nobody was born an expert – everybody has started at some point and grew their abilities through application. So I might as well take the opportunity to grow my skills.
If It’s Hard, It’s An Opportunity
Another really helpful remark I keep in mind is that at a job you should either earn or learn. Even though I don’t completely agree with it, I still think there is a lot of value in this statement since learning in a job is a legitimate reason why people take it! If everybody was an expert right away, then nobody would be an expert since everyone would be at the same level again. So I tell myself, the hard moments at work, the tasks that make me have anxiety sweats because I don’t know how to do it are the moments when I have the biggest opportunity to learn and to grow my skillset.
To come back to the original topic, little wins, those small learning opportunities, add up to a great skillset that you could’ve never even pictured a couple years ago. Same for the example with pushing yourself to go for walks everyday. It might seem insignificant to walk for 45 minutes each day but added up that’s almost 5 1/2 hours per week!

Looking back, I am so happy I pushed through all these little obstacles because I realize they made me so much stronger. And I know they can make you stronger too. Whatever little thing is bugging you, face it and conquer it today.