I’ve been looking for one in this format but couldn’t find it so I made my own. I hope it motivates you on your own journey. It’s best printed out so you can color it in with your progress.
Tag: Money
Low Buy Year Update May + June
Well well well, since I missed last months update, today I’ll write a two month check in. To be honest, I bought way more hinges than expected. This has a few reasons. Impact of my No Buy Year 2022 Being frugal for many years and then doing a complete no buy year in 2022 led…
Low Buy Year Update: April
Time is flying and it’s already almost May. How I spent my money in the month of April and how my budget for the rest of the year looks like you will find below. April In april I bought a few new clothing items, some were replacements, some were additions to my wardrobe. I don’t…
Low Buy Year 2024 January Update: Success!
Welcome to the first update of my Low Buy Year. This update covers how my spending went in the month of January as well as any thoughts I had regarding the challenge. How did it go? January actually went great! The only things I bought that weren’t necessities like food and housing were replacements. I…
My Goals for 2024
Early Bird I know, it’s only the middle of September – but so what. Getting motivated and starting to think about what you want to achieve in the next year is always beneficial, no matter the time. I love reading about people’s goals because it motivates me and gives me ideas for my own life….
Do You Know When You Can Retire?
Have you heard of fire? F.I.R.E. stand for Financial Independence Retire Early. The concept is that you invest enough money to live off of your investments and become financially independent. For some this could mean retiring early as well. You can calculate your fire date! Now this is one of the most exciting yet frightening…
Making Goals Achievable
Sometimes, goals can be daunting. Saving 100.000$ in 7 years sounds like a big dream out of reach. Saving 14.285 $ a year still does. But saving 1.190$ a month suddenly seems like it’s within reach! Getting a second job or finding other income sources can boost your savings fast- and suddenly the 100.000$ saved…
On money
Money is such a diverse topic. Some of us grow up without thinking about it, while for others their whole universe circles around it. Some say money doesn’t matter. Others say money equals happiness. I think like in many topics, it depends. There’s different aspects of money that I would like to touch on today:…